YA Helpers Reach Milestones
Today, on a very overcast and at times rainy day, the under 11's were again in action on Saturday morning: running, jumping or throwing, ably assisted as always by the coaches and the Young Athlete Helpers.
It was for this reason that a double celebration presentation was made for the hard work that the Young Athlete Helpers make for these and other sessions since their inception nearly 3 years ago. Firstly, Demi Salako was presented with a personalised mug and sports voucher for her achievements in reaching over 50 hours, which is a great achievement. The second award was presented to Godwinner Kassa Nkebani who has now surpassed a truly amazing 200 hours of volunteering, quite remarkable. A gift of a personalised embroidered sports bag was given to him for his hard work and dedication.
These young helpers continue to do outstanding work, with all their help, and have now passed the 1200 hours of volunteering, and it shows no signs of stopping - Keep up the good work!