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Annual Membership fees were due on the 1st April 2024.

Thank you to those members who have paid their annual subscriptions to renew their Club membership for 2024/25.

For those who have yet to renew their membership, please do so as soon as possible as the period of grace allowed for registration with England Athletics will be ending shortly. 

Please note that registration for competition with England Athletics will be made only when membership subscriptions are paid to the Club. The new registration year for competition started on the 1st  April 2024.


Membership Fees are as follows:

Active Seniors (Over 21):  £73.00 per annum

Active Young Members (under 21), Students, Unemployed and State Pensioners: £53.00 per annum

Non-Active and 2nd Claim:  £38.00 per annum


Registration fees to England Athletics, included in the Club membership fees, have increased from £17 to £19.  Once again, there has been no increase in membership fees retained by the Club.

By concession, those who joined the Club between 1stJanuary and 31st March 2024 have nothing further to pay this year.  The only exception is those who joined from other clubs during this period who had lapsed their England Athletics registration fee in 2023/24. These members need to pay an additional subscription of £19 as the Club has to pay the England Athletics registration fee for both 2023/24 and 2024/25.

Club Life Members need only pay the registration fee of £19 if they wish to be registered for competition.

Please pay by BACS bank transfer. 

The Club’s bank account details are shown on the subscription reminders which members should have received by e-mail and on the subscription renewal information on the notice board at the entrance to the Clubhouse.  Alternatively, the bank account details can be obtained by sending an e-mail to the Membership Secretary at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

If you are unable to pay by BACS bank transfer, please pay by cheque, made payable to Woodford Green Athletic Club.  This should be sent to my home address at7 Teesdale Road, Leytonstone, LONDON, E11 1NQ.

Lastly, if any of your contact details have changed recently, please let me know.

Ian ALLENBY, Membership Secretary

May 2024